Global base oil landscape: Key developments and market implications
Discover the key drivers of the evolving global base oil market. This webinar examines significant industry developments, the implications for import volumes, potential export opportunities, and the shifting trade dynamics as suppliers adjust to these developments.
Topics covered
• India’s Group II/III expansions: implications on regional trade flows – Matthew Chong 
• Navigating Chinese market dynamics: China's new import tariffs – Whitney Shi
• Panel discussion – How will Asia’s base oils market rebalance in the next 3-5 years? – Michael Connolly, Matthew Chong, Whitney Shi, Siddiq Ahmed
Wednesday, August 14, 2024
4:00PM - 5:00PM SGT

Stay ahead of the curve and make informed decisions based on the latest industry trends and developments. Register early and save the date!
• [Host, Moderator], Michael Connolly, Principal Analyst, Refining, ICIS
[Presenter and panelist] Matthew Chong, Senior Editor, ICIS
• [Presenter and panelist] Whitney Shi, Senior Industry Analyst, ICIS
• [Panelist] Siddiq Ahmed, Head of Base Oil Trading Desk - Asia
Chemlube S.A
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