ICIS Circular Plastics Supply, Demand & Pricing Registration of Interest
Thank you for your interest in ICIS Circular Plastics Supply, Demand & Pricing. 

Please share your details, so we can contact you with more information about how to gain exclusive early access to our key data sets. Please sign up quickly to secure your spot as places are limited.
Fields marked with * are required.

  • Please select the regions in which your company is operating or trading with now or is considering for the future*
  • Africa
    Asia Pacific
    Former Ussr
    Middle East
    North America
    South Central America
  • Please select the commodities which your company is working with now or is considering for the future*
  • virgin PET
    virgin PE
    virgin PP
    mechanically recycled PET
    mechanically recycled PE
    mechanically recycled PP
    chemically recycled PET
    chemically recycled PE
    chemically recycled PP
    Pyrolysis oil
    Mixed Plastic Waste
    Other (please specify)
  • Which best describes your main responsibilities?
  • I buy, sell or trade commodities directly myself
    I lead and set strategic direction for my team, function or organisation
    I consolidate, analyse and/or share market news and insight within my organisation
    I conduct complex analysis of market data (e.g. modelling) to support my colleagues in making decisions
    I manage technical data flows into my organisation's databases and systems
    None of the above (please specify)
  • We want to keep you up-to-date with what’s happening at ICIS* and tell you about our latest products and other services. We may email you about information we think you’ll be interested in, including selected articles and reminders about forthcoming events. If you do not wish to receive such information please tick the box to opt out of these emails

    *ICIS® is part of LexisNexis® Risk Solutions. By registering your details, you understand that your personal data will be handled according to our Privacy Policy.